

Active Member
In the 100 gallon?
I wouldn't put those triggers together in a 100g. Both Nigers and HumaHuma (Picasso) get pretty large. Picasso Triggers are known to be mean buggers too. There would be a pretty large bioload depending on how big those triggers are.


New Member
well how is he going to do with my other fish i have a yellow tang, flame angel, stars and stipes puffer and a clarki clown had lion but cought puffer munching on fins


if you are thinking about keeping them for long time and want them grow big then I would say you are to your limit. if you consider not keeping them after certain size then you can go for more fish that are compatible with the ones you already have.
I am not an expert on compatibility do a search on it.
When every one talk about amount of fish you can keep they usually calculate for the biggest size a fish get in aquarium (not in the nature) and then go by 5 gal per inch rule mostly. If you have good filtration and fuge then it will help.
But you might have an idea of trading fish after certain size so choose wisely.


New Member
went with the fish we have, on the advice of a saltwater fish store in oklahoma city. we lost one lion to piglet(the puffer) but at the time did not know that till we got a dwaf lion and i saw him munch on him being a house wife and all grown children leaves a lot of fish watching time


yup it sure does keep you relaxed. I have been doing it for long long time with fresh water, and just started saltwater in 2000 january. learning everyday. :D


New Member
that makes to of us and i have been in it for two year first year and half with a reef tank just switched gave 55 gallon and coral to a friend kept 100 but the fish i have goes to show dont beleave everything the lfs tell you still check it out . the grand kids love the tank they are the ones that name our fish we have 5and1/2


New Member
leanns is in edmond on kelly by the daylight donut shop she is real good but she is closed on wens. and opens at 1:30 closes at 7:00 and 1:00 to 5:00 on sunday there is also pet vett on se 15th in midwest city they are closed on sundays and pet palace on s. penn in oklahoma city


I have a juvi Niger and Humu in a 100 gallon with a 5" Lunare Wrasse, but went in knowing I will be moving one of the Triggers to a 125 when they get bigger. When buying fish, always know what their max size is and go by that when stocking your tank - it's easy to think "hey, he's only 3" long now...", but in 1 year he'll be 10"! The Triggers especially are very active fish and need plenty of swimming room and territory. Although both the Niger and Humu are considered "smaller" Triggers, both can easily get over 10" (usually 12-15") and when you have a tank thats only 19" wide your cutting it kind close. Like keeping a German Shepard in a closet :) The Humus also get very mean when they get older...


New Member
puffygrrl thanks for the info thats more then lfs told me all they said was no prob in 100 gallon if you know a good web siht to investigate fish first please let me know again thanks


New Member
We had a 3 inch Picasso Trigger and a 2 inch Niger. They did fine together. We also had a 6 line grouper. They all ate small minnows from our creek -- I wouldn't trust our Picasso with ANY of those other fish you mentioned. Hopefully the one you want to get is much smaller and your other fish are much larger. I think they'd be OK that way.


New Member
i hope our filters are enof to handle bio we have 350 mag and wet dry system with bioballs and berlin skimmer the pump on the wet dry is a mag 7 pumps about 700 gallon per hour if this is not all that we need or we need to change some thing please let me know


This and xxxxxxxxx are the best websites to research fish - talking to the people that own them :) Good luck DONNA MILLER!