

Active Member
I am pretty sure that this dark mysterious creature is a Rectangulus Trigger........maybe. I can't remember.


Active Member
Niger Trigger - generally one of the more peaceful triggers. this one is about 2.5" (still small). I just got him yesterday, so I'm still waiting for his personality to show through. So far, no signs of aggression. Though he doesn't seem real bright... upon introduction to the tank, he decided to cuddle right up with my lion. He seems no worse for the wear though.


Me too. I can't decide between a blue throat and a niger.


Active Member
Rye, is it me or does your Picasso Trigger seem a little on the skinny side? Just wondering cause mine is a fat pig.


You know its funny, I been on this board for about a 1 1/2 years and before I went Reef I had a tank full of triggers, I loved them and they were great!!!! I hardly hear anyone talking about them here...........


Active Member
Um... I think you're mistake. Niger is the name of the fish, pronounced "ni-jer" (as in, from Nigeria). The word you don't like is spelled with two "g"s.



Originally posted by eric4usa
I still have a problem with the common name for the "Nig**" trigger fish.
I've heard other names such as "Black trigger" which is exact description, or "Bat fish".
I realize this fish was probably named well over 100yrs ago, but come on. :rolleyes:
I don't care what you name or describe with that word, or if it's an offical scientific descripion,
that word is forever ruined and out of date.

Man, you need to find something else to argue about. The real name for the fish is "Pacific Queen Trigger".