trim back xenias?


hi everybody,
my pulsing xenias are taking over my tank! at first i was very happy and excited about this but now I'm not. this is the fastest growing coral i've ever owned. it really is like a weed. its now growing all over an adjacent mushroom rock.
how can I cut it back? just snip off stems with scissors? or maybe a razor blade at the base?
thanks for your suggestions!


I just take a pair of sharp scissors and gut close to the base. Pinch the end and then stick it wherever I want to put it.


thanks sterling,
but does it grow back at the base where you cut it off, or does it die (b/c i don't want it on my mushroom rock!)?


if you use a constant and steady pressure you can remove the foot froim just about any surface. if you leave ANY bit of it on the rock, shortly thereafter you will have a pulsing xenia there for you to enjoy and love.