trip to the beach!


Active Member
I don't know what beach you're talking about but taking of corals from the sea is prohibited, fish too if I'm not mistaken. I wouldn't take any sand from the beach due to possiblity of polution.


there is a big risk invalved in taking anything from a beach and putting it into your tank.there are a variety of diseases that you may get from the contaminated waters of a beach or a conal.if you quarantine the fish in fresh water acompanied by amquel to declorinate the water so that all the germs are killed off the fish.but you are still at rish of getting some kind of disease.i wouldnt recomend this.but it is your choice.


Active Member
haha, ive never seen this side of u kevin. THe smart side, lol.
yeah its up to u if u want to. I would do it and still do it. But its a risk. I have a skimmer for sale, cpr bak pak. E-mail me
If you are going to take corals out of a beach you are taking a risk of getting caught and getting fined 10 grand. Fish is legal to take if it doesnt have a size limit and if it isnt in a sanctuary. :eek: