Tropic Marin test kits and additieves.


Active Member
i'm using Kent Marine and Knop brands additieves and Red Sea test kits. My LFS just started selling Tropic Marin products, but prices for their products are higher. What can you say about the company? Are these better products? I just bought their Calcium test kit. As i was told it is very precise test kit. It showed me 46o. My Red Sea Ca test kit shows me 400 and my Hahen Ca test kit shows me 560. What test to trust??? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


in my localfish store all i see as far as test kits go are the seachem test kits. i dont test my water so i cant speak to the quality of any of the kits.
the red sea test kit is really a joke.. it goes from 350,400,450,etc. .. about tropic marin supplies,, your lfs is probally ripping you off,,mine sells the tropicmarin calcium 4lbs for 40 dollars,, all i did was go to <a href="http://www.*************.com" target="_blank">www.*************.com</a> and get it for 15 dollars..
the tropic marin calcium tester seems pretty acurate..i'll prob try salifert's calcium tester and compare in the future..


The tropic marin bio-calcium is the best calcium additive besides a reactor. Since it's so expensive, buy it online.