Trouble adding new clown to established single


Hello all, we've had our tank up and running about two months now with a single adult clown (about 2"), several snails and crabs and live rock (12-15 lbs) in a 30 gallon tank.
We purchased another Clown a week ago from the LFS and brought home, acclimated and added to tank. All seemed fine for the first 24 hours but occasionally (increasingly more throughout the week) the established clown is chasing the newcomer to the upper corner of the tank and nipping at him. Not constantly, but fairly frequently. The little guy has been tolerating this fairly well, but last night found him swimming at an angle and hanging out near the heater.
This morning all was well, no nipping or chasing and the little guy is swimming around all over the tank (not acting scared, etc.)
In your experience, how long does it take for a newly paired clown fish to establish in a existing tank? Should I give the pair more time to become friendly or does it sound like I need to permanently separate the two?

small triggers

Active Member
same species? is the one that has been in there a little larger than the one you added? thats about the only way it could work, especially in such a small tank.


Yes, the one we purchased was smaller than the larger, established one and was also the same species. The new fish is about 1.25" and the established about 2.25" or so.


New Member
First hello to all. I to am new to this great hobby of saltwater with just over a year. I just added a second oscellaris to my 35g. I have had no real troubles. The established oscellaris chased the new for about ten min then they have been getting along great.


Originally Posted by tnt0401
First hello to all. I to am new to this great hobby of saltwater with just over a year. I just added a second oscellaris to my 35g. I have had no real troubles. The established oscellaris chased the new for about ten min then they have been getting along great.
dschwartz: Very normal, this could go on for a while on and off. Even after they have bonded the female may need to remind the male she's in charge occasionally. They need to sort it out between them as long as they are not damaging each other it's typical. What kind of clowns?


I wanna add another oc clown too but I'm scared cause the one I have is a lil brat! how do u know male or female?


both are OC - they have been in the tank together for about 8-9 days but we are still seeing some 'ramming' and the larger fish keeps the smaller one corralled into an upper corner of the tank near one of the heaters. I cannot see any damage to the smaller fish (no nips, tears, spots, shedding, etc.) and it is eating fine.


I would only intervene is the smaller one is getting beat up with visable damage, otherwise they need to sort it out for themselves. Ocellaris are pretty doscile fish and as long as you don't have 2 females they're fighting usually dose not get out of hand. Just keep an eye on them. Her pushing him around is another way she is establishing dominance. Has he done any quivering? He lays on his side and looks like he is having a mini seizure, his way of showing submission and usually them the female backs off.
I have a couple, been together for about a week. They have shown no agression, I have been lucky. You will know they have bonded when they sleep together at night in a spot of the female's choosing.


thanks - no quivering yet but have seen some swimming while listing to the side a bit. they both sleep near bottom on separate sides of tank so far.


as far as i know you shouldt mix clowns they dont play well with each other but since you already have him if you change the set up of the tank like move some stuff around so it appears the tank is different they should get along after that


What do you mean you shouldn't mix clowns?
Do you mean having 2 in the same tank?
Where then do baby clowns come from?
They play very well once they bond.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lmecher
What do you mean you shouldn't mix clowns?
Do you mean having 2 in the same tank?
Where then do baby clowns come from?
They play very well once they bond.
In one of my school textbooks, it says when keeping clownfish, you may only have one to a tank since they will fight to the death

You just gotta know what to read

2 of the same species are fine, when you mix two of a different species, you may run into some problems.