Trouble with percula clown


I have two Percula clowns, one of them has what looks like a blister on it's top lip. Anyone have any ideas what it might be?


Oral herpes. HAHAHA! give em condoms and he should be good to go!

Seriously, I don't have a clue, but a picture would probably help those who would actually know.


Yeah, a pic would help. I would keep researching, but my maroon get something like what you described every once in a while and then its gone in like a day. Ive read it could have to do with stress. Any changes, new tank mates?
if the blister is white and looks like fuzz then its most likely a mouth fungus. one of my percs had this about a month ago and it ate a hole in his head (chin) then my other perc got a white spot in the smae spot so i used primafix for fungas for 7 days and it went away. hope this helps


Thanks for your inputs,
It isn't like a white fuzzy ball or anything, it's 100% clear like a layer of it's skin peeled up or just like a blister. very small, top lip. It seems to be going away (although still noticable) I would take a pic but my camera is on the blink and I don't know if cell phone pics would be clear enough. One thing I did do, I was feeding some frozen food and a good sized chunk (half the size of your small finger nail) fell into the tank. I think this is the one that grabbed it and took off. Now I'm wondering if maybe the cold maybe blistered its lip? Just trying to figure out all angles.