trouble with skunk cleaner shrimp


Active Member
when my tank first cycled, I got a 3 inch cleaner shrimp. it was pretty healthy and active.
so about a month later, I got another 3 inch cleaner. it was even more active and healthy. but when I put it in, the first shrimp became withdrawn and died about a week later.
3 days before Christmas, I got my first order from, which included a 1.5 inch cleaner shrimp. it was EXTREMELY active. and once again, as soon as I put it in, the original shrimp became withdrawn...stopped eating from my hand, etc. in fact, I haven't seen him eat since I put the smaller shrimp in.
so tonight, it died. it laid on it's side for awhile moving it's legs, but it eventually died.
any ideas why this would happen? the shrimp didn't seem to be bothering each other or anything. in fact, they seemed to get a long pretty well.
before I got around to taking the dead shrimp out of the tank, my 3 tiny peppermint shrimp dragged his body under a rock. they seem to be eating on his tail? would leaving his body in there cause the ammonia to spike? should I be worried that he might have had a disease that the peppermints might get?


Active Member
as for the dieing thing I dont know. But for leaving him it would be a good meal for anything els in the tank (I.E. snails and shrimp and crabs)


no ammonia spike,will be gone before that happens in a 72.i have had bigger fish die in my hundred with no ill effects at all.