BioCube 29g set up in June. Was running fantastic until about a month ago when we started having algae issues. First it was red slime, now its green hair. I did a massive overhaul yesterday and cleaned/scrubbed all three back chambers and removed the bioballs from chamber 2. The back wall of chamber 2 was COVERED in detritus. It was gross. Then I went to the LFS convinced I should ditch the bioballs and make chamber 2 a fuge but they were out of chaeto and didn't have any lights I wanted. I explained the issues I was having with the algae, and added that I am losing a previously thriving Anthelia colony, can NOT keep Zoas no matter what I try, my Galaxea is struggling, and I suspected that my bio-load was too high (see below for descriptions). He insisted my problem was my lights are on too long and my bio-load is fine, then showed me his display biocube that has been running "stock" for 3 years and he has never touched the bioballs... I could see through the back window so he obviously didn't have the detritus build up I had. He also insisted I needed to change my light bulbs. And add 10 more hermits (my cuc is probably 10-15 snails/hermits all together)
Long story short, I feel like it's more than a "I need new lights" problem. Only parameters that ever test higher than 0 are Nitrates, and they test BARELY high. Everything else stays spot on. Until this morning. Also, I DID buy new lights and he assured me that I would be "shocked" at how bright the new lights appeared compared to my old ones... There's NO difference. My lights are only 6 months old (and BARELY 6 months at that...), shouldn't they be ok longer than this??? Here's what I have and my set up:
Stock Biocube with 10,000 Actinics and Daylights
Biocube skimmer (sub-par, I'm sure, but better than nothing?)
Biocube filter/bioballs in chamber 2
Stock pump
Additional Biocube Powerhead
30 pounds live rock
30 pounds live sand
2 Snowflake Clowns
Melanarus Wrasse
Bar Goby
Bangaii Cardinal
Blue-Green Chromis
Fire Goby
This morning my parameters are as follows:
SG: 1.025
Salinity: 34
span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 51)">Temp: 77
*pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
*Nitrate: 160
Calcium: 420
KH: 9
Phosphates: 0.25
*Remember I did a MASSIVE clean-out yesterday (probably more than I should have done at once, but I was really disgusted and "over it") so my pH is lower than it has ever been and my Nitrates are WAY higher than they have ever been. Should I go ahead and do a 5gal water change to reduce Nitrates? What can I do about the pH?
Light schedule: 10 am Actinics on, 12 pm Daylights on, 7 pm Daylights off, 9 pm Actinics off Moonlight (LED) on, 12 am Moonlight off.
Water changes every 2-3 weeks (20%)
Any suggestions on what I can do about this (Detritus build up, losing Anthelia and Galaxea, high(ish) Nitrates) would be greatly appreciated. My gut says turn chamber 2 into a fuge but I'm fairly new to saltwater (this was our first salt tank) so any input would be fantastic! If there's anything I've learned, it's to not trust the LFS :/
Long story short, I feel like it's more than a "I need new lights" problem. Only parameters that ever test higher than 0 are Nitrates, and they test BARELY high. Everything else stays spot on. Until this morning. Also, I DID buy new lights and he assured me that I would be "shocked" at how bright the new lights appeared compared to my old ones... There's NO difference. My lights are only 6 months old (and BARELY 6 months at that...), shouldn't they be ok longer than this??? Here's what I have and my set up:
Stock Biocube with 10,000 Actinics and Daylights
Biocube skimmer (sub-par, I'm sure, but better than nothing?)
Biocube filter/bioballs in chamber 2
Stock pump
Additional Biocube Powerhead
30 pounds live rock
30 pounds live sand
2 Snowflake Clowns
Melanarus Wrasse
Bar Goby
Bangaii Cardinal
Blue-Green Chromis
Fire Goby
This morning my parameters are as follows:
SG: 1.025
Salinity: 34
span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 51)">Temp: 77
*pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
*Nitrate: 160
Calcium: 420
KH: 9
Phosphates: 0.25
*Remember I did a MASSIVE clean-out yesterday (probably more than I should have done at once, but I was really disgusted and "over it") so my pH is lower than it has ever been and my Nitrates are WAY higher than they have ever been. Should I go ahead and do a 5gal water change to reduce Nitrates? What can I do about the pH?
Light schedule: 10 am Actinics on, 12 pm Daylights on, 7 pm Daylights off, 9 pm Actinics off Moonlight (LED) on, 12 am Moonlight off.
Water changes every 2-3 weeks (20%)
Any suggestions on what I can do about this (Detritus build up, losing Anthelia and Galaxea, high(ish) Nitrates) would be greatly appreciated. My gut says turn chamber 2 into a fuge but I'm fairly new to saltwater (this was our first salt tank) so any input would be fantastic! If there's anything I've learned, it's to not trust the LFS :/