true clowns


went to my trusted and only saltwater fish store here in south jersey he had two awesome true perculas,so i asked even though there not mated pair can they be kept together also with other clowns beside them selves,he said yes 70 bucks later they seem fine my question is will i have problems and was this a waste of money? they are awesome good color,my tank is 125 and the other fish 1 false percula 1 hippo tank 1 striped damsel any input is good input thanks guys


I wouldn't say with certainty it will be fine, it is best to only keep 1 pair per system. Clowns are territorial and do not tolerate other clowns nearby. They may keep their distance and be fine but there is a good chance they will enentaully battle it out and you will have a loss. If it were my tank I'd remove the lone occelaris and keep the pair of true percs, good luck.