True or False game


Active Member
False, Only when quoting. Otherwise I use quick reply.
Next poster realizes crawling under your home with 4x4 posts tied to you so you can drag them while you scootch your way on your back dragging them along since you cant crawl like a normal person due to a bum leg really tests your spirit in this hobby.


Active Member
true been there add a cat carcass stuck to your belt hearing the bones rattle as you crawl on your belly, the next poster hates soup


Active Member
True- soup is a polite food. "MMM this is great!"....while thinking *I'll just stop by the deli on the way home*
Next poster scares the bejesus out of themselves when reading about global warming.


Active Member
TRUE- Rico's XXL was awesome, 48 inchers were awesome back when they were around.
Next Poster remembers the proper fold technique required for a 24inch-slice hand to mouth delivery.


Active Member
false i never folded the two hand let it drip off technique was my approach, the next poster has an old neglected muscle car on there property they would love to give me for something to do with my time


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
true, but i guess it's not secret anymore ahhhh toes, the next poster misses football this time of year
typically this would be true... we got an Arena Football team here and a couple buddies and i have season tix!!!
next poster i going camping this weekend...


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
false, that would be nice though, the next poster is eating oreo's and dipping them in milk
false... but it sounds good...
the next poster is watching That 70's Show...


False. Did one last Tuesday. I am not a religious weeker changer!
Next wishes it would rain!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiberius
False. Did one last Tuesday. I am not a religious weeker changer!
Next wishes it would rain!
false false false!!!
the next poster hopes that the Spurs win the NBA Championship...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
False but I think it will happen anyway.
Next poster can slam a BBall?
false not if my life depended on it ,cant even grip one
the next poster is going to quite smoking saturday!