True or False game


Active Member
False- those socially retarded teenagers with the saftey pins and eyeshadow will now be infesting the city since they can stay out later now.
Next poster thinks someone wearing more than 5 safety pins on thier outfit at a time is natures way of pointing out the stupid ones.?


Active Member
False. (When there is nothing else to do I'm sure I'm not the only one who responds to this thre.)
The next poster has an XBOX 360.


Active Member
False- Same old avatar, use it on 6 boards
Next poster feels a sense of acomplishment when thier nose is packed with sawdust after a job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
false, the next poster wishes they had the old school NINTENDO with MARIO bros..
i still do have it


Active Member
true, she is not my favorite entertainer(and i use that term loosely) the next person is going to an amusement park in june