True Perc HELP


I bought a True Perc last Monday and it has yet to eat.. It was in the quarintine tank with my other fish (sixline wrasse and bicolor blenny) I think my 6line was picking on him and harassing him so that he stayed in the corner and did nothing. I moved the clownfish from the Q tank back into my display tank yesterday night and he looked pretty comfortable in there (exploring, swimming around) but when I got home from school today he was down in the corner of the tank like he was with the wrasse. He didn't eat today either and I'm starting to think he might not make it.. I can't see anything physically wrong with him other than he is a little skinny and pale. My other fish eat like pigs and are quite healthy. My plan was (if the clown lives) to let him stay in the display tank alone for a week or so to let him get his territory situated and then add my other fish back in. I don't want to change the rocks around because I really like how it looks now and my corals seem to like it as well... Is there any thing I can feed him to encourage him to eat? I soak all the food in Garlic... I dunno I'm just worried he won't make it.. My six line harassed a previous fish to death so he is in time out. I might take him back to the store and get a credit... help... :help:

bang guy

Clownfish are so territorial that it can take them a long time to feel comfortable after a move. When you move it from the QT to the Display you started the clock over again. All I can suggest is to use a Turkey baster and squirt a very small amount over in its direction a couple times a day. Eventually it will take a bite and then you're home free.