It sometimes works. That's as much as I can say for sure.
Of the attempts I personally know of it works less than 50% of the time. I have no scientific statistics though.
Originally Posted by FalsePercula26 http:///forum/post/2983904
I have a B&W and a FalsePerc Together..
Those are the same species. The OP was considering mixing Ocellaris & Percula.
I am wondering the same question. I have a percula thats been my tank for about 2 years now, and was wondering about adding a b&w. If I did this should the B&W be smaller? Also is there any chance that they would breed? Any information would be helpfull.Attachment 221418
They have just as good of a chance formng a bond as 2 percs or 2 ocellaris according to Joyce Wilkerson's book "clownfishes". Good chance of spawnig too, if thats what you want to do then go for it.