true percs and my bta


Hi folks...I recently received two true perculas for free
and I was wondering about my odds of them hosting my BTA. Kind of conflicting info out there in what I have read so far, so what are your opinions? Also, this is I'm sure a stupid question but one of my percs is pretty small. Is their any danger of my percs being damaged by the BTA's tentacles or are they pretty immune from birth? My BTA is pretty decent sized at about 8 inch across. 92 gal bowfront tank.

rod buehle

a BTA (E.quadricolor) is not a natural host, but I know of many BTAs hosting percs. It will be hit and miss with each individual clown I breed percs and often put very young (1/2") percs into a bucket with a BTA and before the percs even get out of my shop (less than 10 minutes), they are using the BTA as a host. BTAs dont have quite the sting that hadonis have so th erisk of them eating your perc is minimal


Active Member
Originally Posted by bd_hotshot
Hi folks...I recently received two true perculas for free
and I was wondering about my odds of them hosting my BTA. Always a toss up, there are never any definates, could take a day up to a year. Kind of conflicting info out there in what I have read so far, so what are your opinions? Also, this is I'm sure a stupid question but one of my percs is pretty small. Is their any danger of my percs being damaged by the BTA's tentacles With a BTA its not as common as with other species of anemones, but anything is possible.or are they pretty immune from birth? My BTA is pretty decent sized at about 8 inch across. 92 gal bowfront tank.

See comments above...
Its a toss up weather or not they will host, it appears wild caught specimens are easier to host than aquacultured or tank raised, but there are instances where that theory holds no credibility either. HTH.
Forget it Rod beat me to it... LOL


The smaller of my two is eyeballing the anemone but staying just outside of his tentacles. Have not seen him touch them yet but tantalizingly close. Appreciate the info fellahs.


Give them some time and there is a good chance they will give it a try (with mine, the smallest usually goes in first and then the female) - I have four pairs of perc and only one pair prefers a flower pot - the rest all host in BTAs