True Percula Clowns


New Member
Hey guys, we got a pair of true, wild caught percula clowns today from our LFS. Love them... we want to get an anemone that they can host in should they choose to. We dont have any other corals (yes I know an anemone isnt a true coral, but lets skip that for now lol). Anyways, I have been researching and asking.. I keep hearing carpet anemone and rics..... its a 90 gallon, with 1.023 salinity, pH at 8.4 temp at 78 F, Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite - 0, nitrate - 0... Calcium at 440 ppm... so... any thoughts on this?


Sounds great! they will be very happy :)
just make sure you have good lighting for it.
good luck!


Originally Posted by SABandit http:///t/392176/true-percula-clowns#post_3480922
Hey guys, we got a pair of true, wild caught percula clowns today from our LFS. Love them... we want to get an anemone that they can host in should they choose to. We dont have any other corals (yes I know an anemone isnt a true coral, but lets skip that for now lol). Anyways, I have been researching and asking.. I keep hearing carpet anemone and rics..... its a 90 gallon, with 1.023 salinity, pH at 8.4 temp at 78 F, Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite - 0, nitrate - 0... Calcium at 440 ppm... so... any thoughts on this?
How old is the tank?
Anemones really aren't recommended for tanks under 6 months, and I tend to say 9-12 months is better.
Carpet anemones get very large, and like to move around. The best anemone for Perculas that I've come across is the Bubble Tips. That being said, there is no guarantee that clownfish will take to a host anemone at all. And some anemones don't want to host and are irritated by it and will attempt to move around to get away from the clownfish. Some clowns are also very rough with their anemones and ultimately beat it to death (much more common with Maroon clowns than Percula).
Do you have the right lighting to support an anemone?


New Member
oh yeah. we spent the 9 billion dollars to get the LED 8 bazillion watt stuff. (ok, slightly over estimated, but it was expensive... and totally worth it!!)