True Perculas


How can you tell the difference from wild caught and tank raised true perculas?
I will post a video soon, my biocube lights are broken and ive been waiting for the replacements for about a week. good thing i dont have corals.

Anyway i just got a new pair after my first pair died after 8 months.
Is there any markings to look for?
They have a thick second band if that helps.

bang guy

Originally Posted by bettachris4
How can you tell the difference from wild caught and tank raised true perculas?
If it's an experienced fish breeder there is no difference between tank raised and wild caught except tank raised Clownfish means there are more of them left in the wild.


like are their physical characteristics, i know the whole enviromental issue and TB are hardier but i cant seem to tell any phsical difference.

bang guy

Originally Posted by bettachris4
like are their physical characteristics, i know the whole enviromental issue and TB are hardier but i cant seem to tell any phsical difference.
Misbars are uncommon in the wild so if it's a misbar there's a good chance that it's captive bred. Other than that you probably won't see any physical differences.