Try it this way....


:thinking: Well the numbers are working now... says they were shipped at 6pm last night CA time... thats about the same time he sent the emails. So i guess we will see.... wish me luck! How long does it take to get fedex Ca to my doorstep any ideas? :happyfish


Active Member
fed ex from CA to MD should take about 3-4 business days, 5 at the most, unless you paid for next day delivery.


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
i cant get the company to answer any emails.... I have emailed them at the address on their site as they do not have a phone number on there. I got one email said that my paypal payment was received. And to email him with any questions. I checked ripoff report he isnt on there, and his ---- rating was 99.6 percent.... thank god it was thru paypal and not just handing over the credit card numbers..... then i would be SCREWED

In the future I would use a credit card over paypal. You can always dispute a charge with the credit card company & if it's a legitimate rip-off, you can easily get the charge reversed. Then the credit card company sends THEIR hounds to the doorstep of the seller & you have your $$ back & don't have to worry about it.
We have had to dispute charges a few times with the credit card, & it's always SO easy.


If i'm thinking right I ordered the same rock a week ago from the same guy I paid via paypal/credit card. I can wait a few weeks is all


Well the 30 pound box came... it was mashed all to hell, but it was in there. I rinsed it. I am still waiting for the 60 pound box to come. I called Fed ex and they tracked it down, its still in Bloomington CA. It is in a damaged box they said but I told them to ship it anyhow, its rocks how bad could it be. The lady said she never heard of anyone shipping rocks, she was you guys do this as a game? WTF! Yeah lady thats how I get my jollies!!! Shipping rocks from the east coast to the west coast. WOO HOO a good ole time. :thinking: They are supposed to call on Monday and let me know how bad the box is. The rocks came in a burlap bag so even if the box is ripped they cant fall out is what i am thinking i told them to slap some damn tape on it and send it on its damn way. I am tired of waiting for this stuff! I have a 125 gallon tank sitting in my livingroom next to the one I am still holding the fish in... its getting a little crowded and the baby is starting to use it as a toy. So....i guess any day now...


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
Well the 30 pound box came... it was mashed all to hell, but it was in there. I rinsed it. I am still waiting for the 60 pound box to come. I called Fed ex and they tracked it down, its still in Bloomington CA. It is in a damaged box they said but I told them to ship it anyhow, its rocks how bad could it be. The lady said she never heard of anyone shipping rocks, she was you guys do this as a game? WTF! Yeah lady thats how I get my jollies!!! Shipping rocks from the east coast to the west coast. WOO HOO a good ole time. :thinking: They are supposed to call on Monday and let me know how bad the box is. The rocks came in a burlap bag so even if the box is ripped they cant fall out is what i am thinking i told them to slap some damn tape on it and send it on its damn way. I am tired of waiting for this stuff! I have a 125 gallon tank sitting in my livingroom next to the one I am still holding the fish in... its getting a little crowded and the baby is starting to use it as a toy. So....i guess any day now...

Thanks for the laugh. I hope you get your box full of jollies soon.


Well that saying no news is good news... what a bunch of BS~ I got a call today from Fedex out in Bloomingdale California...well come to find out that the whole {Edit language}box was EMPTY. Now I have to go and File a {Edit language} claim or some crap and see about getting my items replaced or something. I was so {Edit language}mad that I hung up before listening to the entire message. Im just gonna set it up and add those rocks whenever they decide to get here.... If I dont die before then. Ill just have to take some water out or something when they decide to show up. Im {Edit language}in a foul mood.
:mad: :mad:


Man that sucks Big time. To start off the seller sounds like a piece of **** to me. Come on if your contacting him regardless of what is going on they should contact you back. That shows they're lying. Then if the box got all messed up & ripped open that was probally due to poor shipping techniques. Man I feel for you.


Where did you find this supplier so we dont make the same mistake? I would hate to see someone else go through the headaches you have gone through.


Active Member
I know that this would not be a glowing review of a supplier, but nonetheless we want to be consistent. When we catch them we ask that you please not post or request links of other stores.
I suspect from the mention of the "rating" that this may have been from an auction site, and I am afraid that it wouldn't be the first issue with an auction site seller.
My personal advice is to stick with reputable sites with a "history"


{Edit language} .... Saltwater should have a place where we can post reviews about places that we deal with, couldnt they just have a disclaimer that says that they cannot stand behind whether or not the places reputation is good or bad, I got this from a web site not the auction site, although right on there website they say that they have a auction site, there was nothing for sale on there though so I ordered it right thru the website. I guess all I can say is that if you want to save yourself some heartache, before you order some baserock, then you can email me @ and I can give you the name. I dont know if I am allowed to do that i guess the moderators will let me know. On the other hand though he had to give fedex his phone number and when I asked them for the number they gave it to me because he has to file the claim. His site does not have a phone number just an email addy that you never get responses from. So I call him and left a message on his machine that said
Mr Baxter I am calling in reference to package # Blah Blah Blah I never recieved it and you need to file a claim. I can not as I am the recipient and it was damaged in transit which leaves the responsibility in your hands. As you see now I have your phone number and if I dont get a response from you in a timely manner I will call you back until i do....
I wasnt mean to him, just stern. 36 minutes later, money was refunded into my account.
I'm glad because
A) I was tired of dealing with the {Edit language}
B) I was going to become that guys worst nitemare
Thanks to everyone who read this thread and commented. Moderators let me know if you ever come up with a place that we can put a comment on our experiences with other places.


I have had 4 emails already with people who have dealt with this ''company'' isn't there room for growth on this site? You dont have a spot for but couldn't you? Wouldn't it help other people? Isn't that what this is all about? Everyone can have a thread that say that is great. And thats fine, because its their forum and they pay for us to have a place where we can help each other
and make friends, and in some threads enemies too, LOL . But why cant we have a place where we can name the places we have had unfortunate experiences with? If the moderators put a sticky in it that said '' we in can no way verify the reputation of this company or verify the persons experience with them blah blah blah. Just to keep swf outta legal trouble or whatever. It would be so helpful. I know I am probably stirring up a bunch of stuff, I might get flamed or whatever. But I just think it would be helpful. By the way make that 6 emails, I got 2 more while writing this. Thats all I have to say about that...


Active Member
First, it could be a legal issue I suspect that SWF may not want to risk. In addition, it would take a whole lotta time to moderate, I'm quite sure.
So I suspect it will not be coming all that soon. :( I understand your point of view and appreciate your position, but it is a slippery slope in some respects.


Ok you wouldnt believe the amount of people that are emailing me to get the name of the company. Just knowing that I am maybe saving these people some heartache is great. :cheer:


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
I have had 4 emails already with people who have dealt with this ''company'' isn't there room for growth on this site? You dont have a spot for but couldn't you? Wouldn't it help other people? Isn't that what this is all about? Everyone can have a thread that say that is great. And thats fine, because its their forum and they pay for us to have a place where we can help each other
and make friends, and in some threads enemies too, LOL . But why cant we have a place where we can name the places we have had unfortunate experiences with? If the moderators put a sticky in it that said '' we in can no way verify the reputation of this company or verify the persons experience with them blah blah blah. Just to keep swf outta legal trouble or whatever. It would be so helpful. I know I am probably stirring up a bunch of stuff, I might get flamed or whatever. But I just think it would be helpful. By the way make that 6 emails, I got 2 more while writing this. Thats all I have to say about that...

I agree