Try to explain this if you dare.


Can anyone explain to me what this RBTA is doing? it looks like hes trying to get inbetween the 2 rocks where its extremely shady.. I thought they liked light..
Heres a pick


from my experience with anenome's, they dont "require" strong light if properly fed. in some instance's, they actually prefer partial shade. But if you want it to move into view, a suggestion would be to turn a powerhead towards it, they will normally move due to the fact they dont like strong current. then when it moves to where you would like, try to make it as comfortable as possible there with lowered waterflow, and possibly even partially shading it. IMO I wouldnt try moving it by hand as im sure you know they are tough enough to keep, and moving them by hand seems to be a good way to push them to their demise. good luck, and im sure there are plenty of experienced keepers on here to give you some great advice.


I add top of water manually... Just plain R/O water so what should I start putting in the tank to raise it? How much salt?


Does it look dead to you guys?
It looks like his "face" is down in the dirt his down inbbetween 4 rocks in my tank... He look dead?


He's just adjusting. If he were dead you wouldn't see him at all. They deteriarate very quickly when dead. Be patient with him.


Tough crowd. It's probably just trying to find a place to settle. 1.021 is low, but many times, low is good. Acclimation just takes longer. Most LFS's even keep their sg at 1.020. It is on the low end, but it is not unacceptable. I find disease is less prevalent if your sg is either low or high, not right in the middle. Most species are fine anywhere from 1.019-29. The exception is species that hail from the Red Sea area, where sg is much higher than other places where livestock is otherwise collected. They would prefer the higher sg.

sinner's girl

add 1/2 cup of salt to 1/2gl of water (rather than the normal 1/2 cup to 1gl), or if you rather, 1cup to 1gl. This will slowly raise the SG, but make sure you check the sg, give it a good 10min before adding more.
Also, I have no idea what the sg should be for the anenome.