Trying to compete w/ Wax - LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by IamBailey
quick question for you guys... I have a 90 gal setup for about 9 months now with DSB and 80 lbs LR. I added 4x96 PC lighting, and I was wondering how long before I see Coraline growth? I added a big piece of LR about 2 weeks ago that was just covered in coraline (also this is when the ICH started in my tank, could it be from this?) anyway, I suppliment with calcium sometimes, But I use oceanic and since I dont have corals yet, I dont test for calcium because I dont think its very necesarry yet. So how long before I see the coraline start spreading?
I think there's a slim chance there was some ich in the water that the live rock had been in and it came on the live rock in the little bit of water it was in via transport to your house. But I think that's a slim chance.
I would test for calcium or anything else you are putting in your tank. It affects more than just corals. Snails use it to make their shells for instance. PH is also related to calcium (so is Alk). Did you have any coraline algae in your tank before you added this rock? If so, I'm surprised you haven't seen a little growth by now. Mine seems to grow better where there is better flow. I have a powerhead running along the back glass and the area on the glass where the current is strongest is where I get the best coraline growth.


Active Member
I really am not sure what to say about your coraline growth. Do you have other rock with coraline growth? I have only had my tank set up since October and I have ALOT of coraline growth already. (I think it is alot anyway). I thought it would take longer to grow. The established rock I started with was loaded with coraline and even some of my base rock already has coraline on it as well.
I to think you should be getting growth. What is your turnover rate for flow?


I'm going to be really mean here, because I have to go to work right now. But I'll leave you with this cliff hanger.
Both the condi and the BTA can have bulbous or bubble tips at times.
Both can also have colored tips.
Have a nice day.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm going to be really mean here, because I have to go to work right now. But I'll leave you with this cliff hanger.
Both the condi and the BTA can have bulbous or bubble tips at times.
Both can also have colored tips.
Have a nice day.


OH gee thanks Thomas!!

So what is mine then? How do I tell for sure. You are the expert after all



Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm going to be really mean here, because I have to go to work right now. But I'll leave you with this cliff hanger.
Both the condi and the BTA can have bulbous or bubble tips at times.
Both can also have colored tips.
Have a nice day.

That was low. But I like it


Active Member
I did know that,I think the main difference between the two is the BTA is from Indo-Pacific and the condy is from the caribbean. They both will host some clown fishes(Iknow from mine), they both can grow pretty big( I think the cody a little taller). They can grow their disc about to 12 inches in diameter.I a lso know from experiece that some other fish in the wild will also associate with condy (mine hosts my green chromis!)Yhe cody is known to sting some inverts where as BTA is not really known to do this as much.Rose BTA is a little meaner, Ive heard of really big ones eating whole fish. I believe they are the only two type that get bubble tipped???Their is a Snake locks anenome that is some times mistaken for a condyAnemonia viridis(=sulcata) but this one is from the Mediterranean.The only other one with somewhat of bubble tip is the club tipped anenome, not really bubble but more like squared tip. As for lighting they all need really good lighting. I kept mine under PC (condy and BTA) until I got MH. I got my carpet after the MH. IMO She has a condy. But you are the expert here. Im sure when you come home tonight you will enlighten us


Active Member
so tell me this. I paid $24 for this (it was $39 but I had a store credit). Did I get ripped off if it is Condy? I have 130 watts of PC in a 29 gallon - is the light ok for a Condy - IF that is what I have.
That just makes me mad if they sold this as a BTA and it is a Condy - that is just wrong. I still like it don't get me wrong, but that is not the point.
Most of the condy's I have seen look whitish in color


Well, the piece was only added 2 weeks maybe..... no, no coraline was present before this piece.. I have good turnover at about 1100g/hr.... also I test my alk/ph regularly and it is always good simply wondering when I should see some growth happen elsewhere in the tank


Originally Posted by IamBailey
quick question for you guys... I have a 90 gal setup for about 9 months now with DSB and 80 lbs LR. I added 4x96 PC lighting, and I was wondering how long before I see Coraline growth? I added a big piece of LR about 2 weeks ago that was just covered in coraline (also this is when the ICH started in my tank, could it be from this?) anyway, I suppliment with calcium sometimes, But I use oceanic and since I dont have corals yet, I dont test for calcium because I dont think its very necesarry yet. So how long before I see the coraline start spreading?

As far as I know, Coraline Algae is rather dependent on the Calcium level of the tank, and Keeping a calcium level of 400-450 is crucial to Coraline growth, I could be wrong but All I have read about Coraline tells me to keep my calcium level up.
And Coraline accelorator I have ever seen is mostly Calcium based... Not that the VOODOO potions are always right, but it seems the Calcium=Coraline
Just my thoughts


Active Member
milomlo Condys can go for $8-$20 around here.I think your lighting is probably fine .Dont be mad at your LFS, sometimes it takes a very trained eye to tell the differece between species that are close it characristics.


Active Member
the basic colum color is a white but can be colored with hints of brown ,green ,yellow,(i have even seen bright red)and the tips can be pink,purple,green,or yellowish, so color is not the best way to determin if it is a BTA or condy


You know I went to work smiling, but feeling just aweful for what I did to you.

So shall we investigate a little more?
Kudos to misfit as IMO he is on the right track I believe.
One reason it can be hard to tell the difference sometimes is also a major one.
Zooxanthellae. In a BTA or a Condy the populations of zooxanthellae give it its color, just like any coral. These populations can go up and down changing the color. It was harvested or raised looking like one thing, caught and or shipped, acclimated to another tank, maybe purchased once, returned or sold to a friend only to wind up and another LFS in different conditions. All can have an affect on any anemone.
Lighting is another factor, or sometimes lack thereof.
I'll tell you what I see though and my thoughts.
1. Those purple tips, classic condylactis trate
2. Bulbous tentacles, not just tips, also a condylactis trate, but can happen in BTA as well.
3. Arrangement of tenticals, (not always a good indication, depending on how they actually look at the oral base.)
4. Color (also not always a good indication for the zooxanthellae reasons). However BTA's are tan to brown, green or Rose. Unless in a transitional stage your could very easily be id as a condylactis. There have been a few BTA's that have a neon green color, so a BTA with that coloration is possible.
Right now having looked at the pic before going to work my mind said Condylactis. Theres more than one type you know. But your main florida ones are.
Condylactis gigantean
Condylactis passiflora (most common one in the trade)
However lets look a bit deeper now.
Can you describe the column or even the pedal disk of the anemone?, both would be nice. I mean color of each.
Can you get (without disturbing it) a shot at the oral disk and mouth?
You might even try turning the tank pumps off for 5 minutes to see how it looks.
In the end I can only guess as well.