Trying to feed my new Ghost Eel.



Current stocking list includes.....
Flame Hawk
Yellow Tail Damsel
Blue Spot Puffer
and now the Ghost Eel.
I have been feeding the fish mysis shrimp, krill and black worms. The eel has not come out to eat at feeding time. I tried to hang some krill right in front of the eel's mouth and he did not even go for it. I have had the eel for about 48 hours....
Any suggestions??
Here is a picture of it.


A lot of eels do not feed right away. Some eels will fast for a long time, just keep trying and try to use garlic in your food. It attracks them to the food. Also if he does not eat for a while you can try live ghost shrimp , that allways gets them feeding. Nice looking eel 2.


Active Member
Very nice-looking eel indeed. As sharkguy said, they may not eat for a while, don't panic over it. My 16 inch moray ate almost daily for a year then went on a four-month fast. It scared the hell out of me, but he never lost enough weight to notice and he was acting normal. Eels can go a long time without food. Just try some different foods maybe, change up the diet, silversides, fresh seafood from the store, squid.
But if you've only had him a couple days, I'd chalk it up to acclimation and him getting used to the tank. Give it a little time and see what happens, and post again in a few days if he isn't acting normal and eating well. Hope this helps.
Again, nice looking eel, congrats.


Thanks for the info. I will let you know how it goes.


good looking eel when i got my sfe he ate after about 4 days everyone i talked to always said eels fast when the are first introduced to a tank


I think it is too early to jump into a conclusion since you've had him only for the past 48 hr. Many newly acquired eels simply do not feed for a couple of days, or even weeks. So just wait till your eel settles down and acclimates completely. BTW, is your eel "Uropterygius concolor"? If it is, you might have hard time trying to feed him because they're known to accept only live food. Try river shrimp or small feeder fish. This will help stimulate a feeding response. Then you can switch to frozen food.


I will try the river shrimp.... i also was told to try ghost shrimp. Is this something that I will find at my LFS?
What are the chances that the puffer and hawk will get to all the shrimp before the eel. My puffer goes crazy when food is in the tank.


Active Member
More than likely the hawk will get the shrimp before the eel has a chance.
I had a ghost ribbon for a couple of years. When I 1st got him it took a couple of weeks before he began to eat. From time to time he'd go 3-4 weeks without eating.
He was by far my favorite eel. He was almost always out durring the day, and would often swim laps around the tank.


I know this is an old post, but I recently got a ghost eel from my LFS. I have only had him a few days and have been keeping several ghost shrimp in there for him...but I think more are getting sucked up in the powerheads then are getting to him. I was curious if you ended up getting it to eat or not and if so, how long did it take and what were you feeding it! any feed back would be great! thanks!