Trying to figure out the agressor


When Hurricane Ike came through in Sept, all of the animals in my 50 gallon tank got transferred to my Mom's 150 gallon tank (she had power, i didn't, and we had to act fast or lose them all. The battery backup I spent $75 on lasted about 2 hours and we were without power 5 days )
Once combined, the inhabitants included:
1 yellow tang (hers)
1 eightline wrasse (hers)
1 flame angel (hers)
1 black & white striped damsel (surviving starter fish) - hers
2 Pajama cardinals (hers)
1 Yellow watchman goby (hers)
1 Coral Banded Starfish (hers)
3 orbicular cardinals (2 mine, 1 hers)
2 diamond watchman gobies (1 hers, 1 mine)
5 blue-green chromis (3 hers, 2 mine)
1 sixline wrass (mine)
1 false Perc. clown fish (mine)
1 purple lobster (mine)
6 peppermint shrimp (mine)
Plus an assortment of snails, small hermit crabs, and conchs, some hers, some mine.
Anyhow - all was perfectly fine for about a week, then the peppermint shrimp disappeared. We were not over-worried, figured my mom's coral banded shrimp used them as snacks. (Or my lobster, although he never ate any when they were in my tank.) The yellow watchman goby disappeared next. He has disappeared before, but after almost 2 months with no sign of him,we think he is really gone. Then all was good for a couple of weeks, then the clown fish disappeared, which was really sad because he was so fun to watch and was always out in the open. A few days later, we noticed that the b&w damsel had a laceration on her side and the sixline has a little piece of his tail missing, plus he looked kind of beat up. As of now they are still alive, but clearly someone is being agressive in the tank, and they are doing it when we are not looking!
My mom suspects the lobster, but he is really shy and hides all day. In the 2 years i had him in my tank i never saw him act agressively at all - nor did I have any critters "disappear" with him in the tank. (Not saying it is not possible things are different in the new environment.) I would suspect the Damsel, but she was one of the injured parties, so... I tend to suspect either the Coral Banded shrimp, or the eightline wrasse. Even though her eightline never showed any aggression before we did the mix, there is now a sixline in there, and I know wrasses don't tend to like other wrasses around.
Obviously the combining of the 2 communities has caused a clash somewhere
. If we could identify the agressor, maybe we can stop the bloodshed.
Ideas, anyone?


Im thinking the eightline, yt, or flame angel. But its possilble the chromis have formed a harem and are taking things out.