Trying to get my chaeto to grow


New Member
I cannot get chaeto to grow in my fuge, I have tried everything I can think of. Should I feed the fuge itself? It just dies back and turns very light green. I am using a 65 W CF LOA light. Pics can be found here:
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I wonder if it is starving? What is your nitrate level?
I would definatly test all of your parameters. My Cheato is growing like a weed. Basically I have a shop light with a 75 watt full spectrum incandecent bulb and about 5 on my nitrates.
Maybe you need to add a small powerhead to your refuguim to cycle the water around a bit. Water just might be flowing over the top and keeping the water dead below.


Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB
I wonder if it is starving? What is your nitrate level?
I would definatly test all of your parameters. My Cheato is growing like a weed. Basically I have a shop light with a 75 watt full spectrum incandecent bulb and about 5 on my nitrates.
Maybe you need to add a small powerhead to your refuguim to cycle the water around a bit. Water just might be flowing over the top and keeping the water dead below.
Does chaeto starve if your tank has no nitrates?


New Member
Originally Posted by bmeeder
Does chaeto starve if your tank has no nitrates?
I wonder this too. I have just been given the suggestion to add iron...Not sure though.