Trying to ID


I've had this "thing" on my live rock since I got it 6 weeks ago. No pic yet, I'll try to post one tomorrow.
It basically looks like a brown tube, around 1-1.5 inches long, very thin and if I were to touch it (I havent yet) I would imagine it to be soft to the touch. It is stuck pretty well to a piece of very rough section of an 8 lb pound hunk of LR. Here comes the odd part... There is a worm of some sort inside it. It definately has 2 tenticles that poke out once in a while, and it seems to feed by spitting a web (almost like a spider would) out of the mouth of the tube to catch floating debris and/or copepods that I have.
I observed it for about 2 hours total over the last week or so. It spits out a web around 3-4 inches long, it sticks to nearby LR and collects floating debris exactly the way a spiderweb would catch a fly. After who knows how long, it retracts the web full of debris and copepods, only to spit it back out a minute later cleaned off and ready for more food.
Just about an hour ago, I sat down to take a look at my tank, only to find that it's tube that it lives in is about 1/2 inch longer than I remeber it. Upon a closer look, there are 2 more very tiny ones just to the side of the big one. These 2 are around 1/8 an inch or so.
Any guesses before I can get a pic?
And does anyone know if they're good or bad?
Thaks in advance.


I have one in my tank too and i did an internet search and found that it's in the same category as sea fans which i also have a ton of that came on my LR, but as far as i could find they aren't at all a threat to the tank... just filter feeders they catch things with their two long tentacles. Hope that helps:)