Trying to kill of ich - What acts as a Host?


I finally broke down and emptied my show tank to kill off chronic ich. 2 eels, trigger and lion are being copperized in a hospital tank. (using mardel coppersafe?)
Now I just have to wait.
My question is will the starfish, snails, and 2 cucumbers (red and yellow) act as hosts during the "empty showtank" period therefore defeating my entire effort?
I want this *$&#$ bug DEAD DEAD DEAD!
How long should I leave my showtank empty?


Hi Chris,
None of the inverts listed will carry ich. It is a fish disease. I've never used copper so I can't help you there, have you ever thought about using hypo? As for how long to leave tank empty, I think the rule is AT LEAST 3 weeks but most would recommend a month just to be safe. G/L!


Thanks -
I think Im going to leave my showtank empty for about 2 months so I dont have to do this again.
I tried hypo with no effect. Copper or bust!
I think I read that warming the showtank will increase the lifecycle speed of the ich.


2 months will be plenty of time, I think the ick parasite life cycle is about 27 days or so. Hope everything turns out for the best!:cheer:


Staff member
Better to have "hyposalinisized"....:D these fish.....eels don't do too well in copper.