trying to make some moon lights.....


Ahoy hoy, I got these led's out of a exit sign and I want to know if these would work for moon lights. I remember the lights being white also. They are both hooked to the little white box and I guess all I really need to know is how do I hook up the white box? This is all I have from the exit sign. Can anyone tell me what wires are positive and negative and what the third wire is for?
Thanks, Josh


Active Member
The red or orange wire is pos. for 277v. Cap it off and do not use it. The black is pos. for 115v. and the white is the neutral or neg.


ok thanks for that bit of info. Does that mean that I can just hook up a plug to this and plug it into the wall or do I need another balast or something?
Thanks, Josh


New Member
should work great, mount the transformer on the back of your tank and make your wiring connections in a single gang box along with a on/off switch and a switch cover. I'm around exit lights often and never gave it a thought, very good idea!


excelent, thanks for the answers. Im kinda thinking that these may be a bit (way) too bright. Ill probably only use one section of lights and see how that works. Then if that is still too bright Ill break the lights apart and space them all out for a softer look.


Well I hooked them up and it kinda makes me feel like a moron for even bothering to ask how to. I just didnt want to burn my house down lol. Anyways, these are bright red and I think they will work very well for moonlights. I held them over my tank and it put a soft red glow all over my tank. Ill take pics of it when I have it mounted in my lights. That will be the hard part because Im going to try and put them in my power compacts fixture.


im not shure but i think they should be blue lights. maby someone else could shed some "light":D on the subject.
and dont be afrade to ask questions thats what this is for.:yes:


Yea, I know most people use blue but I want something different and Im not really trying to stimulate the corals. Its mostly just for looks and so I can see whats going on in there at night.
Thanks though for the reply.