Trying to settle on a stocking list....


I decided against a sixline wrasse becuase they are a little too aggressive for now I really want to find a nice looking, cheaper, hardy, reef safe wrasse. I know, it's alot to ask. I love the way a Carpenter Wrasse looks, but am unsure about getting a few of them for the male(s) to be pleased. Here is a list of fish I really like and if anyone could tell me pro's or con's about any of the fish that would be great!
Ok, I have a broad category of the fish I want in the tank, and then the goes:
1 midas
1 lawn mower or
1 bicolor
really any appropriate... :thinking:
Dwarf Angel: not sure about an angel actually...
Coral Beauty
Two Occelaris (or just one)
Oh, it's a 46-gallon. Any suggestions would be great!


Active Member
That stocklist sounds good.
2 occelaris, a coral beauty angel, carpenter wrasse, and a midas or bi-color blenny. I like both of those blennies so it is a toss-up. I also really like lineatus fairy wrasses as well.


all the ones ive seen have been very peaceful
also a great dwarf angel to get is a rusty angel
ive had mine for 6 months and he was the first in the tank and doesnt hurt any newcomers including my 2 new firefish


I think between a coral beauty and a flame, the flame is better looking and people seem to like them more, but the coral beauty is much more passive.


New Member
go with the cleaner wrasse those fish are one of the wrasse they may not look that cool but they keep you fish happy


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1sickhb
go with the cleaner wrasse those fish are one of the wrasse they may not look that cool but they keep you fish happy
That is not a good suggestion at all. Cleaner wrasses have one of the highest mortality rates of all saltwater fish sold because they NEED parasites to live and survive. Most people cannot keep them alive more than a few weeks.


Yeah, I think Cleaner Wrasses are very cute, but I don't have any parasites in my tank now, and even if I did he would probably eat them up much faster than the parasites could recover from. Thanks for all the suggestions! Here is my idea...
1 Midas Blenny
2 Occelaris clowns (or other smaller clowns, maybe Amphiprion polymnus?)
Flame or Eiblii (sp) angel
1 smaller wrasse
Any info on the Eiblii would be great!
I don't think I'll get a lineatus fairy wrasse even though they are GORGEOUS! they need at least 50 gallons and are really more than I want to spend. Thanks for the suggestions though.
The Rusty Angel is nice too, but I think I want something a little more flashy.