Tube Anemone Question


At the LFS I see these long tenticle "anemones" They are cheap $12.00 and obviously dont need much light because they live under normal florescent bulbs for weeks at a time. I don't think they are actually an anemone. I'm thinking of getting one but the LFS can't tell me anything about them.
How long do these things live?
Will they grow or split?
Does anyone have any experience with them?


BTW I'm not sure if it's called a Tube Anemone. They have long tentacles and are kinda transparent, they come in assorted colors pink, purple, white, brown ect...


i have been thinkin about buying me one, but after doing research, it is just nothing more than something to look at. here read this article it is one of the best that i have found in my past research. Improper link deleted


Thx that confirms that what im seeing at the LFS are Tube Anemones. I was confused because they had no tubes :notsure: That article confirmes that they lose there tubes durring improper collecting and handling and not to purchase one without a tube.
So has anyone purchased one without a tube that lived?
I've got mine months ago with tube and it's thriving..It doesn't need light just like corals. Mine sstarted to move to the current spot where it likes,,,a lot of water flow. I spot feed it with shrimps and is voracious eater...