Tube Anemone


I just picked up a pink/orange tube anemone, I tried to feed it directly but it didn't seem to want the Silverside, will it eat food drifting through the water or do I need to spot feed it, and what foods? I also picked up a conch, are the fighting conchs the ones with the jagged shells or are those the Queens?



Originally posted by Megadon
I just picked up a pink/orange tube anemone, I tried to feed it directly but it didn't seem to want the Silverside, will it eat food drifting through the water or do I need to spot feed it, and what foods?

I have had 2 for 3 years . . . never spot feed and they do fine!


A friend of mine has a purple one and it is beautiful. I would like one but I'm afraid it might eat my fish. Has anyone ever had any problems with theirs?


They just need the light then? Mine is under a 96 watt PC and another fixture with about 90 watts out of it. The tank isn't too deep so I think it's getting enough light. Does it eat food scraps in the water column?


I have been advised to use cyclop-eeze by someone else too, I have never seen it in a store, where do I get it? What is it?
Cyclopeeze is a frozen bar of zooplankton. I bought it from the LFS. My corals go nuts over it. I have heard of dragonnets eating it as well, but have not observed this myself.
I just shave off a peice and let it thaw infront of the tube's tentacles, he eats it right up.


Ive had mine for a few months now... and I spot feed it half of a silverside twice a month. It snatched it up. I dont know if its necessary but it ate ::shrug:: and seemed to love it


I have a tube and he eats whatever frozen food floats by at feeding time. He has never wanted anything to do with my fish, but occasionally he will want a change of location and I'll find him in a new place. I had to put foamy stuff on my powerheads because he got sucked into it and this broke off a bunch of his tenticles. That made him look pretty pathetic. The only time I spot fed him was when his tenticles had broken off.


Active Member
I have a purple one with the green center...
Doesn't seem to need a lot of light...will catch flake/plankton in water colum...I feed mine a krill or piece of squid from time to time...
Biggest problem is he "extends" quite a bit at night and his tenticles "sting" the corals around him...
He hasn't "killed" anyone yet, but the affected corals wither/pull back/discolor where they were touched...
I have two. apurple/neon green and a pink. I have tried to feed them when I feed my other anenomae, but they refuse. they seem to be "filter feeders" in the true sense. I also watche them eat flake food and other stuff in the water column. Mine are both growing and seem to be doing well despite lack of target feeding.


I have had mine for about 8 months now. It loves cyclopeeze, small pieces of squid, mysis, and silversides. If the pieces are too big it will take them in but not digest them.....hence they eat but they starve. Mine has never moved or caused any problem with fish or other corals. They like a deep sandbed too:) HTH


Active Member
I have been advised to use cyclop-eeze by someone else too, I have never seen it in a store, where do I get it? What is it?
Best Friends in Haddam carries it. Have you ever been their?


Don't know if mine or my daughter's "spins" .....being all one color like they are you'd never know:) Your bi-color is really neat!