Tube Anemone?!?


Here is a pic of my new tube anemone anyone have any feed back on these guys? I love all the help from everone on here. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Beautiful,but aggressive.They get quite large and can sting and kill slow moving fish and inverts.Give it plenty of room,and feed it meaty fare.


thanks for the advice, i am planning on going coral only with maybe a clown or 2 so i don't see that as being a problem


anyone have any suggestions on what to fees it? Could i use cyclopeeze becasue its what i feed my zoos and it would make it easier.


Active Member
Mine likes a nice chunk of shrimp now and then. Mostly a mix I made myself of oyster clam squid shrimp and scallop.


as a fellow tube owner any tips or advice you have on it....its pretty damn cool and i wanna make sure it has staying power


just be careful with placement. i had one and it killed my frogspawn. i never seen anything move around the tank like the one i had. dont know if they all do that or if it was just another one of my bad luck adventures. god luck


Member looks like it would be pretty difficult for them to move around with that tobe on them
i guess we'll see


Active Member
I just bought one of these for my tank as well. Although my tank is only a 10 gal nano I have it placed at one end. I have heard they do get quite bit. At night if you shine a flashlight on it you will see how far it can extend, quite amazing. I have three large feather dusters at the other end and a few mushrooms. I am keeping every thing I can away from it.
I also read a very interesting article on these, quite amazing info about them. They are not as bad as everyone thinks they are. If you want it give me your email and I will send you the link for it. It is a long article but worth every minute of your time to read it.
I feed mine chopped krill and a soon as the stick I place it on comes near it, it latches onto the stick and takes the krill.
They are sure pretty, mine is a light purple with a flourescent green centre.


Here is a couple of suggestions. Mine is doing fine and thought I would share my placement. After some research I discovered they like to be shaded from bright light. I placed mine under an overhang on the sand bed. It is kind of isolated in a dead flow area so food can get to it.


thanks alot ya i noticed that at night he comes really far out of his tube i will try and shield him from the light some what


New Member
Does anyone have any thing negitive about these things. do they walk like others? are they hardy?


Active Member
Debbie, could you please send that article to me as well?
My tube anemone has not moved at all. I feed him brine and mysis shrimp. I believe he eats phytoplankton as well, which I put in about 2-3 times a week for mutliple animals. The few times that I've given it larger pieces of food like a big block of shrimp or pieces of a cocktail shrimp it would eat it, then spit it back out. So I think it prefers smaller pieces. I have had no problems with its aggressiveness as far as deaths are concerned. But I think one of my clowns was stung by it a couple times. A yellow watchman goby swam straight into the thick of it one day, but managed to escape without too much trouble. In case you didn't know, they are not photosynthetic.
I find it hard to find much info about these guys. If anybody knows anything about them, please contribute.
BTW, these are one of my favorite SW creatures!


New Member
ya i love it its so colorful and weird lookin...i have cyclopeeze that i feed my zoos and i figured that would be enough to feed him too. sound about right?:notsure: :happyfish


Active Member
They do need to be spot fed a few times a week. I use finely chopped up krill, I have a stick that I use to feed it with and I place a small piece in the center, it grabs the stick before I can get it into the center and pulls this krill right in.
I don't think they need to much all at once, just a small piece will be fine. I have not even had mine for a week yet and already I have noticed it extending and looking fuller. I know the store where I got it did not feed it anything except for what fell in the water and the fish did not catch.
I also add some Kent micro-vert twice a week for my feather dusters as well. I am using this stuff very very cautiously to not pollute my tank. Time will tell if it helps them out too. But I think the tube anemone can eat some of this stuff and the fine stuff the dusters eat too. I just would not rely on this stuff alone.
So feed it a couple times a week with some frozen foods in small amounts.


u guys dont need to be feeding ur zoo's there fine with just lighting.... also i dont think that they can even eat food...


zoos will propagate quickly when they are fed a few times a week. Every cnidarian eats meaty foods including zoos.
No one is supposed to intentionally starve their corals, as they cannot usually get by on just zooxanthellae nutrition. That is like eating sugar all the time. They have to have protien as well to produce nematocysts which coelenterates have. Peeps who don't target feed their zoos are relying on feeding the fish or other animals to cover this.