Tube anemone


New Member
Hey all,
I have a purple tube anemone that is very happy in my tank but I am worried it is killing my other pets at night. I have done some research on the net but the results are mixed. Some people say they are harmless to your fish and others say they specialize in nighttime kills. I am after a reef tank with happy fish, but I really love watching it spread out and wave in the water. So I wonder, should I bring it back to the store, or should I keep it?
Does it wait till night when the fish sleep and get them or is it harmless?
Thanks for any help/advice!


Do you feed it? I ahve a pink tube anemone, and it is quite large and has never eaten anything....BUT I feed it almost daily pieces of scallops
Another person on here had a tube anmeone and swears it ate their fish also.....and yet another has one and has also never had it eat a fish...haha
IMO keeping it fed, and your other fish healthy are a big thing here


New Member
Yes I feed it about 1/3 of a cocktail shrimp every other day, and I watch it take in brine shrimp that I feed my clowns, and even flake food that washes by it. I am not sure he is the culprit of a couple mysterious deaths. I thought I would ask but now that you mention it, maybe I am underfeeding him.