Is it possible to keep this is a reef tank away from everything else? I bought one yesterday and of coursel lfs didnt tell me that they can sting/eat fish. I paid $40 for this.please advise, thank you
It isn't as dangerous as most people make it out to be...but that doesn't mean that it can't be dangerous...
Stick it's tube as deep into the sand, not the rockwork, as possible. Also if you have bright lights, put it in a shady area since the tube anemone is not photosynthetic.
Tube anemones you want to keep in the sand, they will burrow into the sand and extend their body out of the sand. and yes they do eat other fish, Anemones are not like corals, they have a "foot" which they use to move with, so supergluing would be bad
How big is the tank? that can have a great impact on whether it will be ok or not. I wouldnt recommend one for anything less than 55g or in tanks with slow moving fish like mandarines or boxfish.