Tube Anenome


ok, so i have a 55 gallon tank, with about 80 lbs of rock, i have a mandarin dragonette (accepts frozen foods, which are soaked in vitamins) which is about 4 inches, i have a mediun sized percula clown, a 6 line wrasse, and a hippo tang (i know, i know), along with about 15 hermits, 20 snails, 3 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, and 3 other emeralds. Ok, so my question, i was looking into getting a tube anenome, because i love the look of them, now i have heard that they can eat smaller fish, however, i was wondering, have they been known to kill shrimp?


Active Member
I would be most concerned about the mandarin. Are you asking about the coral banded? How deep is your sandbed? Tube anemones get quite large.


Active Member
i have a tube anenome in a 55 gal. and it seems he is losing his tube but he is is eating so im not sure, but i as well have shimp they dont really bother it the sexy shrimp stays really close to it but dont bother it, also the anenome hasnt bothered any of my fish but i feed him every other day.


my sand bed is about 4 inches deep, my concern is mostly about the shrimp, i am a bit worried about the mandarin, however what reassures me is the fact that he is full grown (4 inches), i really like my shrimp, so im just wondering if these are known to kill shrimp, and i am worried about all 4 of my shrimp, the 3 cleaners and a cbs


Active Member
The shrimp will most likely avoid it if they are full grown. We keep the tube anemones in the invert system at work and don't have a problem. Shrimp will often touch an anemone lightly, then back away. Now if the shrimp were to dive down into it, like when you first put it in..and they don't realize it's could happen. There is a risk with anything that will eat meat & sting.