Tube Worm Health


Hello all,
I purchased a few (3) feather dusters about 2 weeks ago.
They all seemed to be doing well. I am kind of a feather duster newbie. Is it normal for them to retract in there tube for more then a day or 2? I also noticed what seemed to be a secretion that was " spider web" like, clear and floating from the top of the tube, But my pencil urchin was close to the area too. Was that secretion from the urchin or tube? is this normal? am i panicking too much?
Thank you for your help.


Active Member
Hello- I have never seen anything like that come out of my dusters.
You may want to see if they have left their tube.


My pencil urchin had never touched any of my dusters until I placed a very cool purple duster that had grown in my refugium!!! I watched the duster grow for about a month, and right after I brought it up to my main tank the urchin plowed over it and it was never seen again!!


Active Member
My dusters are pretty docile. I can pick him up and move him and we will open in my hand.
The only reason he gets moved is because I have a decorator crab that will move him on occasion or if an emerald decides he needs to clean him.


Active Member
It's been awhile since I have had feather dusters. From what I can remember, its not normal for them to retract for a day or 2 without a reason. A few reasons could be: they could be growing a new crown (did you see any dropped crowns, or their feathers around the tank?), something is picking on it or on the tube, water quality, water flow, etc. I don't remember any secretion, except when one had died, I believe. I never had a pencil urchin, so I do not know the behavior of them. To see if its still in its tube just touch it--if it jerks, its in there. If it does move, leave it alone. What all is in your tank, what are your parameters? HTH