Tube Worm Slowly disappearing


When I added my LR a couple weeks ago, there was a really long tube worm that was sticking out of the top of one piece. Even though he wasn't all that interesting, I thought it was kinda cool to see it living there. Anyways, I added a bunch of inverts the other day, and since then someone has been making a meal out of the tube part of the worm. Now there's only about a millimeter of the tube left. I'd really like to keep this fella around if I can - will he be able to survive having his tube eaten away, and can I do anything to make sure it stays there?
Thanks for any help


i doubt that the anemone ate him. My peanut worms are able to retrac into themselves and mek themselves very very small. Maybe the same thing.


He moved! He's no longer in his old tube, and is about 1 cm away making a new one! Dunno how he did this, but he did! I'm glad he's still alive!