Tubeworm/Featherduster help?


Active Member
I just started my first saltwater tank, bought my first peice of live rock (only 1.35 lbs), and to my extreem exciteminet noticed some pretty little feather dusters comming out of the tubeworms (which I thought were dead and stuck there). The cycle just started, and though I don't have a texting kit (I'm fifteen and low on money), I'm sure my water is far to toxic to house fish with the ammonia and nitrites. Will this harm my little tubeworms? Also, will I need to feed them? What do they eat? As far as I know they are the only living thing in the tank, besides the growing bacteria. What do I do to keep them healthy, if I have to do anything at all?
Thanks ahead of time for the help. =)


I had some small feather dusters on my live rock as well when I began to cycle. Mine survived the cycle just fine. They should be fine as long as you have some powerheads for waterflow. Featherdusters are filter feeders and get everything they need from particles in the water.


Active Member
I don't have any powerheads yet, but there is some waterflow from the clip on the back filter. Hope thats ok for now. my dad has a few powerheads but they're buried in his basement somewhere. He said he'll look for them for me. Any other suggustions?


Active Member
Don't worry about them, they'll survive just fine. I had hundreds of them appear on my rock after cycling. They had to have been there the whole time so they made it...


Active Member
Lol I'm just so proud to have something ALIVE in that tank. Watching empty tanks are a bit heartwrenching for me. lol
I just discovered another hitch hiker, and I can't seem to identify it. I'm thinking maybe some type of annenome. I went to get my camera to put a pic on here incase someone else knew, but when I went down there it was gone. Maybe roaming, maybe not an anenomie. That one was black with white tips with long skinny tenticles that looked more like legs. I coudn't count them, but I'd estimate about thirty. I found a smaller one, it's reddish, and my camera wont focus on it. Tips are still white. Any clue? (going to make another thread for this)