Tubo Cycles..! Do they work or improve your tank?


I've read about products like: BACTER VITAL and NITROMAX MARINE, which supposely have thousands of Microganisms, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobater, which Speed up the cycle of a new tank and or Energize already estanblished setups.
So my question is, would these products that contain this beneficial bacteria, really energize an established tank??
Would there be anu harm using this products on an established tank?? Sounds like it would be a very good thing to do , add more beneficial bacteria to your tank, right?!
Please advise!!


Active Member
I'm certainly not a microbiologist - but my understanding is that all bacteria reproduce and grow according to their energy/food source.
A brand new tank will start the nitrogen cycle once a supply of ammonia is present. Then the nitrogen cycle begins.
Introducing bacteria is not absolutely necessary - although many will seed the new tank with some bacteria from an established tank.
Benificial bacteria will reproduce, die off, others will take their place, but I'm pretty sure their populations are limited to the energy source and favorable conditions for them to live.
Adding "bottled" bacteria seems like a waste of money to me.
I think the manufacturers of such products are keenly aware of most hobbyists "need for speed" and impatience - and market these products to these individuals to make a buck.
Not all that stupid from a business sense, but personally I figure the tank will have all the bacteria the tank needs given time and let nature run her amazing course.


Active Member
forget any QUICK FIXES, imo THEY ARE WASTED MONEY, THEY MAY help, THAT IS IT, BUT , they do not take care of it, and the money can always be used elsewhere in this hobby,
my first tank was set up with one, and the lfs owner swore up and down about it and how fast and well it would work, after giving me @300$ credit and his breeder not reimbursing him, he no longer carries it
you can do it almost as fast with cured lr and ls, and create a more stable system


But what do you guys think about using these products on established systems to Energize or Boost them???


Active Member
i would not use them, unless sometime the need arises that i would HAVE TO(for what reason i cannot think of one), so i don't forsee that,
why would you want to add this to an establidhed tank anyhow?
if you are after nitrate reduction, then i would let my dsb do the work, and do water changes, maybe even add askimmer, but istill won't use these products personally
besides, adding them, only adds bacteria, and if you have a good dsb and lr, for the bacteria to grow in and on, then you should already have a good population
as far as harm, probably none, but IMO, they are only a temporary fix to another problem that should still be resolved for stability


Active Member
again, if you have ls, there is NO need to add more bacteria to the sand,
and again, why do you want to add it?, if you need more, it will grow and spread
how long has your tank been up?


Active Member
ya know, this thread is starting to look a little like a debate, or something,
sorry to say, but i will not endorse or advise this product(by any name) personally, and if you have a problem or need assistance, ask IT and maybe we can help, but i will not keep answering the same question like this, my advice and opinions are NO, but if you need something particular please, again ASK
don't mean to be so blunt, but it is looking
FISHY (no pun)
you asked, we answered, then you asked again
etc., etc., etc.
no offence intended


Just to 'spice up' the debate, I used BIOZYME to speed up my cycle. And guess what? It works. Other than that, I don't know. On the back of the packaging it says, it does not harm the aquarium to put extra of these bacterias but it is not necessary.
After seeing your replies, why not try it? They said NO, yet you still want to try, then do so :D. But if anything happens, then YOU need to take full responsibility. Alright then, have fun and good luck.


Active Member
sorry about that, i guess stupid naso said it better, and if you want to try, by all means, i am sure it wouldn't hurt, but my opinion is and was: not necessary(and i need my money for other stuffs in my tank), you'll achieve the same with out it, just do not rely on it a s a cure all(that's all)
Your initial querry puts the question as to adding this product to an already established tank.
My answer: Would it be harmful? Yes, possibly it could.
Would it add more beneficial bacteria to your tank? No, probably not. (Note I have used the words could and probably in my answers, thus CMA. :D )
Now. Why?
Because we strive arduously to achieve a BALANCE in our tanks. Once balance is achieved--then maintain the balance.
The single biggest mistake, IMHO, that new hobbyists make, and old salts too, is dumping additives in their tanks because "it might be good for them." The end result is a tank that is now off balance, trying to deal with the new additives.
Take it FWIW. Why is so much of this stuff used in the hobby? They call it advertising......... :D


Active Member
Yep - Hermit makes a very good point. Just to add to that - here's a rule I try to live by when adding any additives to my tanks.
If you can't measure and monitor the levels of a saltwater parameter - how do know how much to add ?
What's the appropriate dose of the additive ?
Is the additive making a positive change to that parameter ?
Blindly adding liquids and powders to a reef tank because the "bottle" says it is good stuff - IMO is asking for problems.