Tulip Anemones


Hi I'm new to the saltwater stuff & was wondering about Tulip Anemones are they pests?
Are the hardy & will will the overtake a tank? :notsure: Would like to know if they are a smart buy or trouble in the future. How long should a tank be running befor you can get a anemone? I was told 6 months is this true?


I don't think they are really pests. I know Bang Guy has at least one and I believe his clownfish pay some attention to it, but I don't know exactly. I am also not very familier with the species. I'll tap Bang on the shoulder and ask him to stop by.


Active Member
Tulips arent pests really. They can/will spred at a decent rate though. They usually stay pretty darn small so I dont know how a clown would take to one without beating the crap out of it.

bang guy

Tulip Anemone can be pests just like Xenia, mushrooms, or any other coral you let grow out of control. They are easily removed but stay very small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Tulip Anemone can be pests just like Xenia, mushrooms, or any other coral you let grow out of control. They are easily removed but stay very small.
I said like that exact thing..... :)


And if considering using them for hosting purposes they really are only good for baby clown fish, even the adult smaller clown fish would be to large for them. Which is an idea if considering raising clown fish.