tumor on my puffer


I have a month with my porcuspine puffer,he been doing very well but last sunday I saw him very quiet, no swiming,lack of apetite, lost of color,very pale, I put on my qt tank he did'nt ate nothing I offer krill,live fish,ghost shrimp,brine shrimp. the worse thing is today when I back home I look him and now he got a tumor on left side I need help please
what does it look like? need some more information. what are your water params?? nitrites/trates, ammonia, ph, alkalinity, what else is in the tank.
also, i know that now you are desperate to get him feeding and I too would try anything to get him to eat again, but when he is healthy i would highly reccomend not feeding live fish from the LFS. they can carry diseases, and get your fish sick. also the frozens have more nutrients. HTH keep your fish posted on here


The tumor is most likely an internal parasite or worm, and the best treatment is a quarantine tank with a good antibiotic for now, which will hopefully prevent a secondary bacterial infection as the parasite burrows its way out.
Part of your problem as well is the diet you're feeding him.....try going to the seafood section of your local grocery store and picking up table shrimp and crab legs......porcupine puffers are crustacean specialists and most eat fish (silersides and such) only if they are on edge of starvation.
You don't say how large your fish is, but you might also consider feeding him 2-3 times per day...when small they have HUGE appetites and if fed only once per day slowly starve to death.
You've got a growing baby there that needs plenty of chow of the right kind.


Active Member
What does the tumor look like? Your porcupine might not have anything wrong with it. Was it trying to hide in between two rocks when you saw that "tumor?" Porcupines will often arch their back or belly to help wedge themselves into a crevice in the rocks. Does your quarantine tank have a light on it? If not, it might just be displaying its night time colors since the tank isn't very bright.


Thank you, mi parameters are ammonia-0,nitite-0,ph-8.3, nitrate-25, I don't think is a tumor, only he bent his belly i look close and don't looks like a tumor, My puffer is around 2-3 inches, I'm still worry about him because looks very quiet don't swim too much, won't eat the color back but just he keep close to the bottom, I don't know what to do


Something is definately wrong with him if he's not eating. But to give you hope, my puffer went almost 3 months without eating or just eating miniscule amounts.
I would start with a large water change. Even though your levels look okay, something else might be in the water, or maybe something contaminated it. You should also post this in the disease forum.