I have two of the 6025's and just modded mine. I read on a site that someone used a flow meter of some sort and with the mod the 6025's put out around 1,111 gph... Aparently the 6025's are the same as the 6045's with a tighter inner shroud to cut down on intake to reduce flow for smaller tanks.....
Also as a side note Customer Service from Tunze clearly stated that if you mod the shroud that is the only thing not covered under the warranty. They also clearly stated that the 6025's are the 6045's so it won't hurt them with this mod performed.... The outer shroud only costs $10 to replace so to me the mod is worth its weight in gold to see a 50% increase in your flow output for no cash out of your pocket :hilarious
Tunze all the way
Also as a side note Customer Service from Tunze clearly stated that if you mod the shroud that is the only thing not covered under the warranty. They also clearly stated that the 6025's are the 6045's so it won't hurt them with this mod performed.... The outer shroud only costs $10 to replace so to me the mod is worth its weight in gold to see a 50% increase in your flow output for no cash out of your pocket :hilarious
Tunze all the way