Turbinaria pics....What is wrong with it??


I just replaced my lighting system...however they are the same watt bulbs..2x150 hqi MH 20k. The Turb. was in a high location and seemed to be doing well with good flow and direct light. All of a sudden it started developing holes in it and they are filled with black slimmy stuff. Not sure...any ideas please.


Active Member
If the bulbs were old and you switched to new ones you may have light shocked it, I'd try moving it lower in the tank.


Active Member
New bulbs would not explain the holes. I can see some die off, that may be from the bulbs.
The holes are from calcium deteriating, or something chomping on it, but in the middle like yours would be very uncommon. Was any crap laying in it for any lenght of time?
Alk at 3.0, is that meq/l?


Yea...thats MEG. 3.0...8.4dkh. No there wasent anything on it. It was in a good flow area.. The wholes were weird and filled with black stuff. Not sure.


dburr, when you say calcium deteriating. what do you mean? I have been struggling with Calc. lately. I can not seem to get past 390. I use Salifert tests and dose with kent calk top off 100%. I have been using a 1/4 teaspoon in a gl of R/O. I just upped it to a 1/2 teaspoon to try and raise.


Active Member
I just mean it looks like it disolved. When a coral grows, it forms rock. LR in our tanks are million old corals. It's not likely a coral gets holes in it. You may have black band disease, but i'm not to sure. You searching coral diseases and see if you can match up something.
Sorry I can't help more, let me know if you find a match.