Turbo Snail Problem?


My tank is now 10 weeks old, I have 4 wonderful Mexican Turbo Snails, which up until the last couple days, are normally extremely active, constantly moving around the tank cleaning away. However, I have noticed this week that all 4 of them aren't moving much at all, almost as if they are sleeping all day long. I checked to see if they died, which they didn't they are fine.
Is there any potential reason / cause for their sudden sedimentariness? I was thinking maybe some parameter of the water might be off, or they might not be finding enough food, etc? I tested my water not too long ago and it was fine, and there looks to be plenty of algae inside the tank too, so I am not sure...

The other tank inhabitants seem to be ok as well (a fighting conch, hermits, chromis)...


those of you that have mexican turbos --- have yours ever been very active then "slept" for a few days? maybe this is normal?


Active Member
At the first sign of something being "off" you should test your water. You said you tested "not too long ago" but was that before your snails became lethargic? Somthing to consider.


These snails are nocturnal.... Mine will move around some during the day, but are most active at night time...


Originally Posted by earlybird
At the first sign of something being "off" you should test your water. You said you tested "not too long ago" but was that before your snails became lethargic? Somthing to consider.
I just tested it this morning, my nitrates are a little high at 20ppm. Could that be the cause?


Active Member
No , it is common for them to stay in one area for a while to if they find a spot that has a lot to graze on .