New Member
i just started my aquarium after being empty for about a year........all the parameters seem to be fine.......i bought a small marron clown, small coral beauty angel, blue tang and a blue damsel.........with this i also got a "clean-up crew" of 50 dwarf red tip hermit crabs, 15 scarlet reef hermit crabs and 30 turbo snails.......all of the clean-up crew were quite active yesterday when then went in and now today the turbo snails are not moving at all. I read on this board that they should be Up-righted if they are on their backs cause they can not do so themselves.......i did this thismorning to most who were on their backs.......did i kill them already do you think???? The tank (90 gallon) smells a little funky ......could they be dead?? I know they are nocturnal, do you think they will move tonight. Should I sit tight or should I fish them out assuming they are dead?? Not sure what to do??