Turbo Snail Question

mot ii

We've had our turbo snail for about 8 weeks and he was always moving around the tank. In the past few days he has slowed down and now tends to just go into his shell and not move. At first I thought he was dead because he was so far into his shell it didn't even look like anything was in there and the shell had flipped on its back. But when I picked it up I could see his tenacle. I put him on a piece of LR and eventually he came out of the shell for a while. Next time I looked he was back in the shell and it had rolled on its back again. I put him on the substrate right side up and he came out for a bit. But again later he was back in and the shell was flipped.
My question is "do snails go through a dormant period?" Perhaps when their shell grows? We have another snail (not turbo) who is fairly large and at times he would stay in the same spot for days and then move just a bit. Now in the past few days he is moving all around the tank.


not really dormant periods but stupidity periods. mine often will be fine for months and then all of a sudden he is on his back and he is way up in his shell.
this is because when the snail is trieng to get someplace he might fall over and land on his back(unable to turn himself back over) and he will go way in his shell because he feels volnurable.
and once he is turned back over he will try again to reach the same place and most likley end up on his back again.(atleast mine does) he will try this for like a week or two and then he will stop.

mot ii

Thanks. I am hoping that is all it is and he isn't dying... I just set him right side up again so we'll see how long it takes before he is back over.


Active Member

This could also be a sign of something off in your tank. What are you water readings? Actual numbers please. Your amm., NO3, NO4, cal., PH, phos., SG and temp.