Turbo Snail Question???


New Member
I have a 65 Gal. Fish Only Tank with a Maroon Clown, Flame Angel, and Pearlscale Butterfly. Most of the Live Rock is overrun with green nuisance algae, and I've been trying to clean it up with Turbo snails and some other methods, but all of the new snails die within a week. Any help or tips regarding ways to clean up the algae or what is killing the snails would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Check your water parameters and see what they are. If you ever treated with copper as well that would kill them. Water tests are a good place to start though.

bang guy

The most common causes of snails dying in a week are Osmotic shock from improper acclimation or water parameters that are outside reef norms.


yea i would say its most likely not acclimating them well enough. snails are very sensitive to changes in salinity.