Turbo Snail Trouble


New Member
My husband and I purchased 6 Turbo Snails on Saturday. We were checking to see if they were still alive or not. When my husband touched the bottom of one of them. A hard shell like material fell off of the bottom of the opening where the snail is and then a bunch of little white almost clear animails ran from it. They had little legs and eyes. The look almost like ghost shrimp. We are not for sure what they are. If you have any ideas please let mek know.
Thank you,
Juan and Crystal


Check out the hitchhiker sticky at the top of the page but I'm guessing amphipods. h*


New Member
Thank you so much for replying to my question. Is there a way to get more info on the Amphipod. I really could not tell by looking at that picutre. It kind of looks like them. Well they hurt the tank? Do I need to kill them?
Crystal Maldonado

bang guy

The bug you found in your Turbo Snail was probably just cleaning up the corpse. It is most likely a beneficial scavenger.