Turbo Snails and Reef Tank?


I was reading about Turbo Snails and it said they they do well in reef tank.
I have a saltwater tank, I don't know if that is considered a reef tank? I have damsels and hermit crabs.
Can anyone give me a defination of a reef tank?
Please let me know,


Active Member
a reef tank is a tank which is designed to replicate a marine reef. This means it will have a good amount of live rock and corals. there isn't a clear cut difference between a marine fish tank that has a few corals and a reef tank that has corals and fish. I'd say it's a reef tank when the corals are the primary focus of the tank. You'd pick the corals you want and figure out what you can else you can add to the tank that will help/be compatible with the corals. In a fish tank that has a few corals (IMO not a reef tank), you'd pick out the fish and then figure out what corals you can keep successfully. It's a difference of priorities, and of course, the presence of corals that makes it a reef tank.
Animals, like turbo snails, are characterized as reef safe when they do not harm the sessile invertebrates (such as corals), and can easily live in harmony with them.