turbo snails


New Member
I just put 5 turbos in my 100 ga. a couple are just sitting in one spot for the last few days. Is this normal or are they dieing?


Active Member
only 5 for a 100g?!? I presume you have more...?
Two tests: a little cruel, but turn them on their side or upside down and you should be able to see them try to turn back on their front. Or take them out and smell them! Nothing smells worse than a rotting snail...
Have you cycled your tank yet? Is it a new tank?


New Member
tank is cycled about 2 months since. I have pulled on them and they don't want to budge, so there alive. It seems they are moving around at night. So I guess they are nocturnal. I had one in my refugium with lights on 24/7 never really moved much, turned lights off for a while he started moving around and eating so I moved him to the main tank and will get somthing else for the refugium. Thanks for the responce.