Turbo Snails


I got a couple of turbo snails from my lfs and at first it seemed like they were going to accclimate to my tank okay, but the next day and for a week since they have just been hanging out on top of my power head, barely even in the water. They move a little but return to ph soon after. 55g tank has been set up for about 8 weeks, 30lbs LR, some LS, 2 clowns and a damsel. Levels are okay but Nitrates don't seem to get below 20. Is it too soon to do a water change not sure if its actually totally cycled seeing how Nitrates never really went back to 0?


Active Member
Nitrates don't have to go to 0, and rarely will without waterchanges. You can do a 10% waterchange now. :D


One of my snails always hangs on the tank right above the water level i dont know why. But he moves around fine i guess they just like it there. I also always see one of my turbos on the outlet of the canister filter i alwayst think he is going to hit the water pressure and go flying across the tank


They finally seem to be moving around the tank a little more. Guess they are okay, just lazy.


Mine are the same way, hang out at the water line, sometimes barely in the water. Then all of a sudden they will move and get active for a short time, then it's back to the water line. Lazy I think.:yes:
Also....I funny and little known fact...snails can sleep for up to 3 years.......straight through. No kidding. Think I have one that is going for the record!



Originally posted by Loopy
Think I have one that is going for the record!

I've got a few in competition with yours. They aren't quite so "turbo", are they??


Active Member
My turbos are on crack. They are constantly moving, even on the sandbed. Sometimes they even crawl on each other which is really humorous. Ever see a snail try to shake another snail off of its back? :)