turbo snails


:notsure: Dont know whats goin on with 6 snails that I just got. ACCLIMATED THEM FOR ABOUT 2HRS 1/2 ans I saw activity in the bag, but none in the tank is this normal. Are they shy?

tang lover

Yeah you really don't worry. Because inverts are sensitive to change in their environment. So just give them some time.


Active Member
low low low over the next several days get it up to 1.025-1.026 take a couple of weeks to get it there ok tobin

mpls man

Active Member
to raise your salinity you will have to add salt water at same salinity for the water that evaporates and do some water changes, do this at a slow process not to raise it too fast, usually replacing the water that evaporates with mixed salt water in stead of ro water will work.